Friday, February 11, 2011

Wk2-Reading: The Art of Possibility

What does this book have to do with this course or program?  Everything!  Now that we know what we CAN do, we have to DO something.  I think this book is perfect for where we are in the program as well as a great handbook to send us on our way to new possibilities.

My posting this week is a video.  Click PLAY to view:


  1. Jacqueline, very well done! Your comments reflect the nature of The Art of Possibility ... only when we have relieved ourselves of the need to measure up in our performance, can we be free to be who we really are and to develop to our full potential. In essence, we become almost child-like in the freedom it presents.


  2. Nice job, your comments reminded me that sometimes we see the big picture it's just fuzzy. We need books like the Art of Possibilities to help clarify the vision we so often get but never seem to act upon.

  3. great job, see video response... :-)
