Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wk4-Free Choice: Thank You

I just wanted to say that this was a great class.  I especially like the Blogging format.  It allowed us to organize projects and thoughts in a central location.  The video tutorials were a good media to reinforce the content for the week.  I learned so much about Fair Use and Copyright that I did not know. I feel like I can advise others on the topic now.

My favorite was the last Wimba sessions because it gave me an opportunity to hear what my classmates have been working on for the past 10 months.  It also confirmed the importance of every research project.  The experience encourages me to continue to learn how I can impact my industry in the future.  The Art of Possibility was an excellent text selection for us at this stage in the program.  Normally, at the end of a program students are just anxious to get finished.  The Art of Possibility shifted that thought pattern to decide what I can do next.

Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. And thank you for your participation and contribution to the learning of others. We are all the better for the experience and sharing. :-)
